INF: data management and central database for CRC MibiNet (Z03)
The overarching aim of the CRC MibiNet is to understand microbial networking ranging from intracellular processes on the level of organelles to complex cross-kingdom communities. The application of various techniques results in the generation of large quantities of diverse data. This INF project will guide data management according to the FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) principles. To enable this, the CRC is building on existing platforms and standards of the NFDI4DataPLANT. The Annotated Research Context (ARC) container structure allows researchers to have data, metadata, and computational workflow in one place. Additionally, DataPLANT provides tools to describe metadata with relevant ontologies. The storage of the ARCs in the DataHUB allows collaboration and sharing of data with other members of the CRC project.
In addition, the INF project will integrate the electronic lab notebook solution eLabFTW for laboratory documentation, provide training, and help ensure its wide adoption in the CRC.
To foster exchange and synergies, we will develop an easily accessible web-based CRC database for sensors, microbial growth conditions, and media. Overall, we offer training, education, and help with data management and data description.
Support and training
We will offer a monthly ARC user meeting. For more details see here or use our new Slack Channel.
Support is very individual, please get in touch with Sabrina Zander.
Additional information to DataPLANT infrastructure and tools
Additional information to elabFTW (HHU-specific)
Prof. Dr. Björn Usadel
Principal Investigator
+49 211 81-12096
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Institute of Biological Data Science
Universitätsstraße 1
40225 Düsseldorf
Building: 26.24
Floor/room: 02.066
Dr. Sabrina Zander
Postdoctoral Researcher
+49 211 81-12097
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