MibiNeⓍt: integrated Research Training Group (Z04)
The integrated Research Training Group (iRTG) MibiNeⓍt will offer a targeted and interdisciplinary high-quality training for the next generation microbiologists. This tailored 4-year training programme aims to prepare early career researchers (ECRs, including doctoral researchers and postdoctoral researchers) for the interdisciplinary challenges of their individual research projects. The scientific training, including state-of-the-art and cross-disciplinary experimental and theory training, will be complemented by an individualised supervision and mentoring programme enabling them to successfully launch and sustain their professional careers.
- Prof. Dr. Ilka Maria Axmann
- Ilka Axmann Spokesperson
- +49 211 81-10361
- Institute of Synthetic Biology
Universitätsstr. 1 - Building: 22.07.00
- Floor/Room: 047
- Prof. Dr. Julia Frunzke
- Julia Frunzke Spokesperson
- +49 2461/61-5430
- Institute of Bacterial Networks and Interactions
Forschungzentrum Jülich
Wilhelm-Johnen-Straße - Building: 15.4
- Floor/Room: 239
- Dr. Lilli Bismar
- Scientific coordinator
- +49 211 81-15869
- Heinrich-Heine Universität
Universitätsstr. 1 - Building: 26.24.01
- Floor/Room: 072